Complete structure to act strategically in the origination and negotiation of equity financial instruments and fundraising via the stock market
Initial Public Offering of Shares - IPO
First public distribution of company bonds or IPO (Initial Public Offering)
Banco Master de Investimento operates in the structuring of operations for the IPO on the Stock Exchange or on the Organized Over-the-Counter Market, advising from the planning and organization of pre-IPO activities, assisting in the preparation of the company's business plan, carrying out the analysis of the organizational structure and corporate governance, structuring the investor relations area, preparing the necessary documentation and registration for the offer, as well as acting in its distribution.
Secondary Public Offering of Shares - Follow On
Subsequent public offerings, when the company is already publicly traded
In structuring secondary public offerings, Banco Master de Investimento assesses market conditions and opportunities, planning and monitoring all stages of the process.
Public Offer for Acquisition - OPA
Public offer for the acquisition of shares traded on the market
In the process of delisting a company from the Stock Exchange, Banco Master de Investimento acts in the structuring and intermediation of the process, from the preparation of the company's appraisal report, production of documents and information necessary to formalize the request for delisting , until forwarding and monitoring, together with CVM, the request for registrations to close the offer.
Equity Investment Fund - FIP
Pooling of resources for the acquisition of equity interest
Banco Master de Investimento offers all the services necessary for structuring a FIP, acting from the origination and analysis of the transaction, with the preparation of the financial model and documents of the fund, to the placement of its shares.
Banco Master de Investimento has a complete structure to act strategically from the origination of equity transactions to the distribution of offers to investors, coordinating all stages of the transactions.
Got any questions? Get in touch with our team and we'll be happy to help you.